



Assistant Academic Director, 数学与物理科学学院


Chemistry 和物理 are fundamental sciences that touch every aspect of our lives and the world around us. Chemistry is the study of matter: its chemical and physical properties, 它所经历的化学和物理变化, 以及伴随这些过程的能量变化. Chemistry often is referred to as the central science; it rests upon the foundation of mathematics 和物理 and in turn is the essential basis for the life sciences such as biology and medicine. 化学在很大程度上是一门实验科学, and has applications in such diverse areas of research as the development of new drugs, 寻找解决环境污染问题的办法, 以及替代能源的开发. Much cutting-edge research in biology and medicine is being carried out at the level of atoms and molecules, 化学粒子:化学研究所依据的物质粒子.

Physics, too, is the study of matter and energy, viewed from a different perspective. To understand living systems and the universe in which we live requires an understanding of the chemical and physical principles that operate within them.

除了开设化学专业, 生物化学与实验室科学, 辅修化学, 生物化学, 和生物物理学, the department fills a significant role for students in other programs through its introductory courses in chemistry 和物理. Because of the fundamental roles of chemistry 和物理 in the 生物, 环境, 健康科学, 在这些项目的学生受益于概念, 定量, 解决问题, 以及在入门课程中强调的沟通技巧, 哪些构成了学生以后专业课程的基础.


The laboratory science (LS) major is designed to prepare graduates for work in a variety of modern laboratory settings, 从生物技术实验室到质量控制实验室再到学术实验室, 医疗, 或工业研究实验室. The program includes a broad spectrum of laboratory courses in chemistry, 生物化学, and biology so that the graduate will evolve a comprehensive repertoire of relevant lab skills that can be applied to careers across chemical, 生物, 以及医疗行业. 精心挑选选修课, LS graduates wishing to become 医疗 technologists will be well-prepared for acceptance into accredited hospital internship programs in 医疗 technology. Recent LS graduates have been successful in pursuing careers in industry and studies in graduate programs.


CAS核心要求 学分
总计 42-46
必修课 学分
BIO 105/105L/106/106L - Biology I and II (4 cr included in core requirements) 4
BIO 214/214L -遗传学 4
BIO 232/232L -微生物学 4
BIO 365/365L -免疫学 4
细胞和分子生物学 3
CHE 150/150L -大学普通化学I* 4
CHE 151/151L -大学普通化学II* 4
CHE 250/250L/250S -大学有机化学I* 5
CHE 307/307L -定量分析 5
CHE 417/417L -仪器分析方法 4
CHE 310/310L -生物化学基础 4
MAT 190 -微积分I(包含在核心要求中) 4
PHY 210 -大学物理I* 4
总计 45
Flexible 必修课 (choose a minimum of three courses selected from the following) 学分
BIO 203/203L -组织学 4
BIO 204/204L -寄生虫学 4
BIO 245/245L -人体解剖,物理和路径的基本原理1 4
BIO 345/345L -人体解剖,物理和路径2的基本原理 5
CHE 251/251L/251S -大学有机化学II* 5
高等生物化学实验室 3
物理学院211 -大学物理II* 4
总计 12-14
最低要求总学分 99
推荐选修课 学分
BIO 330/330L - Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy (if BIO 245/345 not selected) 4
MAT 150 -生命科学统计学 3
MAT 195 -微积分II 4
开放选修学分(根据需要达到120学分) 变量
最低要求总学分 120

*Matriculated majors are expected to enroll in the University course sequences for general chemistry, 有机化学, 和物理. The following substitutions may be made with department permission: CHE 110 for CHE 150; CHE 111 for CHE 151; CHE 210 or CHE 210G for CHE 250; CHE 211 or 211G for CHE 251; PHY 110 for PHY 210; and/or PHY 111 for PHY 211.

本专业的学生可以参加 学前健康研究生院准备课程.


A minimum grade of C- must be achieved in all required science and mathematics courses used toward graduation in laboratory science, 然后是2.00 cumulative grade-point average in the sciences is a requirement for graduation.


  • 学生 will be able to describe and apply advanced information and concepts relevant to general laboratory science.
  • 学生 will be able to demonstrate proficiency in safe laboratory practices and use of instrumentation standard to the discipline.
  • 学生 will be able to clearly communicate information in both oral and written forms relevant to general laboratory science.
  • 学生 will be able to work collaboratively in various team settings.
  • 学生 will be able to compete successfully for placement in graduate programs or employment relevant to the field of study.


我们为符合条件的学生提供荣誉毕业的选择. 这包括重要的研究, scholarship or creative activity under the direction of a faculty member. 感兴趣的学生应该咨询他们的指导老师. 


Courses completed at another accredited college can be transferred to this degree program. A transferred course must align in scope and content to the required course offered at UNE. 否则,这门课程可能会被转为普通选修课. 完成的所有课程不得超过五年. Transferred courses for matriculated students must be approved by the department. 适用其他限制. 看到 本科招生 了解更多信息.


看到 本科招生.



随后几年的学费和费用可能会有所不同. 其他费用包括书本费和住宿费. 有关学费和费用的更多信息,请咨询 财务信息 本目录部分.


本目录记录了学术课程, 政策, and activities of the University of New England for the 2021–2022 academic year. The information contained herein is accurate as of the date of publication April 30, 2021.

The University of New England reserves the right in its sole judgment to make changes of any nature in its programs, 日历, 如有必要或需要,可随时更改课程表, 包括课程内容的变化, the rescheduling of classes with or without extending the academic term, 取消预定的课程或其他学术活动, in any such case giving such notice thereof as is reasonably practicable under the circumstances.

而每个学生可能与学术顾问密切合作, he or she must retain individual responsibility for meeting requirements in this catalog and for being aware of any changes in provisions or requirements.