Four UNE medical students awarded prestigious substance use disorder fellowship

Four University of New England College of 整骨疗法的医学 students were awarded the prestigious Hazelden Betty Ford Summer Institute for Medical 学生 fellowship to receive specialized substance use disorder training.

Four medical students in the University of New England College of 整骨疗法的医学 (UNE COM) have been selected for the highly competitive Hazelden Betty Ford Summer Institute for Medical 学生 (SIMS) fellowship program. 

Class of ’27 students Rachel Glasser, Kacper Iwanowski, 伯大尼圣, Chase Sisk were selected among just 16 students nationwide to attend an immersive substance use disorder (SUD) training program in Palm Springs, 加州, 这可能. 

The SIMS program equips future physicians with the skills to prevent, 识别, comprehensively treat addiction. Fellows attend lectures, 互动研讨会, clinical experiences focused on developing expertise in SUD screening, 干预, 治疗, 和恢复.  

今年早些时候, UNE received word that it was one of five medical schools to be selected for the SIMS application process.  

“We are incredibly proud to have been selected as a flagship medical school,” said 玛丽莲·古列奇博士.D., professor and director of Geriatrics Education and 正规澳门赌场网络的研究 COM. “It is fabulous that four of our osteopathic medical students have been selected for this valuable educational opportunity.” 

According to the 2022 Maine Community 健康 Needs Assessment, substance and alcohol use was identified as a top priority among all counties across the state. The report stated that in 2020, the rate of overdose deaths in Maine per 100,000 residents was 37.3 when compared to the national rate of 21.5. The lack of preventative services, including trained professionals, were a factor.  

“This fellowship has the potential for long-term local and regional impact,” Gugliucci said. “And our students’ commitment to this important area of medicine will undoubtedly make a positive impact on countless lives.”