Abbie Anderson poses with a mobile phone. The name of her app, Clyk, is shown behind her


An app, in development by Abbie Anderson, B.S. 23年,还在《正规澳门赌场网站》大学版中获得了一万美元的一等奖

饿了? There’s an app for that.

Lost on a Maine backroad? There’s an app for that, 太.

But feeling lost or lonely on campus? 现在有 Clyk, 这是一个新的社交媒体平台,旨在通过鼓励学生结识志同道合的人,将大学生和校园联系起来, discover new 爱好 and activities, and explore new places on and off campus.

正规澳门赌场网络(University of New England)最近的毕业生阿比.S. ’23 (可持续性 and 业务), Clyk的目标是让它的用户能够放下手机,去见面, 在人, those they connect with on the platform.

Abbie Anderson poses for a portrait. The name of her app, Clyk, is shown behind her

Abbie Anderson, B.S. ’23

The app was inspired by Anderson’s own collegiate experience. With her sophomore year uprooted by the coronavirus pandemic, 安德森发现很难与其他学生建立持久的联系.

“It was in the midst of the pandemic, and I was feeling lost and isolated from campus and my peers,” she described of her experience. “我觉得如果能早点有一个支持系统,我就会受益, so I thought of ways to help students feel more connected, not only to each other but campus, 也.”


When logging onto Clyk, 学生根据他们的兴趣被组织成小组频道, 爱好, 和激情. 例如, 素食学生可以使用这个平台找到其他素食学生来分享食谱和, 最终, gather to cook a meal. 学生还可以滚动浏览一个feed,其中显示即将发生的事件以及来自他们的连接的更新.


Concept designs for the Clyk user interface, courtesy of Clyk.

这款应用还有一个额外的好处,那就是让大学了解学生的兴趣, 哪些可以帮助告知他们赞助的活动和计划的类型. 安德森说,她的市场调查——包括对40多所高校代表的采访——表明了这一点, post-COVID, attendance was down at university sponsored events.

她说:“疫情过后,学生们改变了他们联系的方式. “标志性活动曾经定义了校园文化,但学生们已经不再参加了. 很快, 在大学里,没有什么重大的关键时刻能把所有的学生聚集在一起, 学生事务处也不明白为什么会这样. Clyk is the answer to that.”


其他人, including some of the state’s top business owners, 看到这款应用对学生的影响了吗, 但在全国范围内. 

周四, 7月6日, 安德森被宣布为第八季“缅因州绿光”大学版的获胜者, 把电视转播比赛的最高奖金10美元带回家,000 to spearhead development of her business plan. 

自2019年以来, 有十几名正规澳门赌场网络的学生参加了“缅因州绿光”竞赛或衍生系列. In 2020, alum Jillian Robillard, B.S. 20年(海洋创业)凭借她的企业“绿色诱饵”获得了大学版大奖.”

With the prize money, 安德森聘请了一家软件工程公司在后端开发Clyk, 她还聘请了一名用户体验设计师来优化应用程序的用户界面.

“过去一年我一直在为《正规澳门赌场网站》做准备, 所以看到所有的努力都得到了回报,我觉得我真的有机会让这家公司运转起来,”她说。. “As a first-time entrepreneur and businesswoman, 看到其他人相信我和我的产品,我感到非常欣慰, 太. It feels like a real full-circle moment.”

安德森说,她在正规澳门赌场网络的课程经历 Shaw 创新 Fellow, creator in the P.D. Merrill Makerspace, and student in the College of 业务 — gave her the skills necessary to form her startup.

She also said mentorship and coaching from faculty, 受托人, 当地的商业领袖给了她信心,她需要找到自己的声音,并在商业上取得成功.

Watch: “Greenlight Maine” College Edition Season 8 Finale

观看《正规澳门赌场网站》大学版第八季的最后一集, in which Abbie Anderson, B.S. ’23 (可持续性 and 业务), takes home the top prize for her app Clyk, which is now in development.

Among others, she thanks UNE Trustees Ford Reiche, J.D., and Justin Schair, MBA; David Engle, founder of Upright Labs; David Evans Shaw, 亲爱的' 22, founder of IDEXX Laboratories; John Austin, Ph.D., interim dean of the College of 业务 和P.D. Merrill Endowed Chair of 正规澳门赌场网络的商业; Justin Bassett, M.S.,主任 创新P.D. Merrill Makerspace; Mike Sheldon, PT, D.P.T., associate provost for Academic Affairs; and Ed Cervone,主任 业务 Development for 一个在线, for helping encouraging her to pursue her passions.

“The guidance these mentors have given me is invaluable, and having that kind of support system, especially as a female entrepreneur, 这为我打开了许多大门和机会,确实有助于确保我将获得成功,整个业务将得到发展,”她说。.