
Put your passion for protecting the environment on a sound green business foundation as you prepare for a career in the new green economy. 探索和学习在我们独特的沿海校园, 占地540英亩, 包括海岸线, 河岸, 林地, 湿地, 沙丘, 还有春天的池塘. 通过高度协作和跨学科的研究, 你会发现如何结合和平衡环境研究, 生态经济学, 社会, 以及金融概念,因为我们共同努力创造一个更可持续的世界.


number of times UNE was ranked among the most environmentally responsible colleges




Our commitment to the environment and our dedication to out-of-the-box thinking makes UNE the ideal place to earn your Bachelor of 科学 degree in 可持续发展与商业. With our electric car charging stations, 可持续发展的景观, 绿色生活墙, 食用校园倡议, 及绿色循环基金, 我们庆祝整个大学对绿色商业实践的承诺. In your Bachelor of 科学 degree at UNE, you’ll 经验 courses like 环境研究 and 生态经济学 first-hand with an innovative education that includes:

  • 一年级学生绿色学习社区
  • 海洋科学中心设有水培、水产养殖和渔业实验室
  • 海带养殖研究
  • Makerspace for innovative ideation and prototyping

可持续发展和商业让我看到了商业和环境之间的联系. It allows me to explore how businesses can have the smallest impact on the planet but still reach their profit goals.


你将学习什么? 可持续发展和商业学位课程概述

有很多方法可以让你驾驭这个专业. 的 following are some examples of the exciting courses that the Bachelor of 科学 degree in 可持续发展与商业 offers:

  • 可持续性 and Ecological Restoration
  • 气候变化适应:规划与政策
  • Environmental Movements and Social Change
  • 生态经济学
  • 非营利组织的管理
  • Social 创新 and Entrepreneurship


BIO 105/105L -生物学I:生态学/进化/实验室学分 Fulfilled by Core Requirements
BUAC 201 – Financial Accounting3
BUEC 104/105 or BUEC 106 – Economics in Context学分 Fulfilled by Core Requirements
BUEC 204 -微观经济学3
BUEC 390 – Environmental Economics3
bum200 -管理3
BUMK 200 -市场营销3
ENV 100/101 or ENV 104 -环境问题概论学分 Fulfilled by Core Requirements
ENV 200 – Environment and Society学分 Fulfilled by Core Requirements
ENV 208 -气候变化:原因,后果,解决方案学分 Fulfilled by Core Requirements
ENV 240 – Environmental 可持续性 Lab2
env250 -比较视角下的环境政策3
ENV 295 -实习 or bumg295 -实习3
ENV 344 – Environmental Ethics or BUMG 311 – 业务 and Society Relations3
ENV 495 – Advanced Internship or BUMG 495A – Advanced Internship3–12
ENV 499 -高级顶点石3
点燃了121/122 or LIT 124 – Literature, Nature & 环境学分 Fulfilled by Core Requirements
MAT 151 -环境科学统计学分 Fulfilled by Core Requirements
Two (2) 商业选修课 (see below)6
Minimum Total Required 学分120


Environmental Studies Electives学分
ENV 204 -城市林业3
ENV 309 -可持续发展和生态恢复3
ENV 316/316L -带实验室的土地保育实习4
ENV 341 -本土生态学,保护生物学和知识政治3
ENV 348 – Environment, 健康 & Community Development in East Africa4
ENV 357 -可持续用水:社会和全球视角3
MAF 200 – Introduction to Marine Pollution3
MAF 210 -介绍美国海洋治理3
MAR 316 – 科学 in Society3
BUEC 395 – 生态经济学3
BUMG 303 – 非营利组织的管理3
BUMG 307 – Operations Management3
BUMG 312 -创业/Sm巴士管理3
BUMG 315 – Triple Bottom Line Reporting3
BUMG 325 – Legal Environment of 业务3
通过设计思维创建社会企业 & 创新4
OBI 350 -户外创业(创客空间)(原ORM 250)3


  • 学生 may choose to tailor the last two (2) years of course selections to their specific interests. 例如, 与他们的学术顾问密切协商, they may select upper-level business and 环境研究 electives that would result in an informal concentration in one (1) or more areas including Non-Profit Sector, Corporate/Public Sector 可持续性, Small 业务/Entrepreneurship.
  • 强烈鼓励学生参加出国留学. 学术顾问将帮助学生量身定制课程,为他们创造出国留学的机会.

学生 in this major can participate in the 学前健康研究生院准备课程.

For more information view the 学术目录.

For more information see the 学术目录.


第一年业务, 通信, Sport Leadership and Management, and Marine Entrepreneurship majors can participate on a competitive basis in the 绿色学习社区 (GLC). 的 GLC is an intentional community of professors and first-year students dedicated to studying human relations to the environment through many ways of knowing. 你将通过生物学的综合视角来研究环境问题, 文学, 环境研究, 和经济学.



也许你是一个有抱负的绿色企业家, 或者你可能对企业可持续发展实践的管理感兴趣. Wherever your aspirations take you, you’ll graduate with the knowledge, 实习的经历, 分析技巧, 道德基础你需要有一个成功的职业生涯,将商业和可持续发展结合起来. Relevant professions include:

  • Chief 可持续性 Officer
  • Green 业务 and Corporate Manager
  • LEED Certified Construction Manager
  • Green or Sustainable Entrepreneur
  • 可持续性 Program Developer
  • Environmental Public Affairs Officer
  • Community Economic Development Manager


无论你心中有一个明确的职业目标,还是对自己感兴趣的领域有一个模糊的概念, 职业建议 is here to help you plan your next step.


P.D. 美林Makerspace 一个设备齐全的实验室是用于创造和建设的吗, 把想法变成现实, 为现实世界的问题开发可持续的解决方案. Whether you come to the Makerspace as part of an 环境研究 or 生态经济学 class, as a student 研究er or innovator, 或者只是为了好玩, 创客空间可以为每个学生提供一些东西——无论他们的专业或专业.

Watch: UNE 学生 in the Makerspace





正规澳门赌场网络的可持续发展和商业学位提供实践学习, both in and out of the classroom, 给你真实世界的经验和信心,让你有所作为.

  • Use the latest technologies in the Makerspace, such as 3D printers and CNC routers
  • 作为第一年绿色学习社区的一部分,将学习应用于实际的环境问题
  • Conduct 研究 on sustainable products, 比如水培蔬菜和养殖香菇

2022 Student 创新 Showcase


  • 参加正规澳门赌场网络的学生创新挑战赛,这是一项全校范围的创意竞赛
  • Intern on campus at UNE’s Office of 可持续性 or off campus at various aquaculture farms and fisheries or other institutions, 包括:
    • 美国国家海洋和大气管理局
    • Gulf of Maine 研究 Institute
    • Manomet U360: Economic System
    • 新英格兰水族馆
    • Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean 科学s
    • Wells National Estuarine Reserve



B.S. in 可持续发展与商业 FAQ

What is a business sustainability degree?

商业可持续发展学位课程考虑并应用环境, 社会, 以及创造一个更可持续发展的世界的财政问题. By studying business sustainability, 学生获得知识, 经验, 以及在公共或私人公司中扮演领导角色的道德基础, 非营利组织, 或者一个企业家.

UNE in Maine offers a Bachelor of 科学 (B.S.) in 可持续发展与商业, a collaboration between the School of Marine and Environmental Programs and the 商学院. 我们的B.S. 可持续发展和商业计划是跨学科的, 鼓励协作和实践学习在现实世界的设置. 的 first year includes a 绿色学习社区 where you’ll examine environmental issues by considering biology, 文学, 环境研究, 和经济学.

了解更多正规澳门赌场网络正规澳门赌场网络理学学士(B)的信息.S.) degree in 可持续发展与商业


A business sustainability degree readies you for ethical and 社会ly responsible roles in the fields of sustainability and business. 它通过关注人与自然的联系来磨练你解决问题的能力. This degree sets you on a path to meet your personal and career objectives and to pursue entry-level positions in both public and private sectors, or further studies at the graduate level.

无论你是想成为一名绿色企业家,还是想监督企业的可持续性, 纽恩大学在缅因州的商业可持续发展学位课程为您提供相关知识, 实践经验, 分析能力, and ethical foundation needed for a successful career in the intersection of business and sustainability.

UNE students that have graduated with a B.S. 在可持续发展和商业领域担任首席可持续发展官, 环保业务经理, LEED certified construction manager, 可持续的企业家, sustainability program developer, environmental public affairs officer, and community economic development manager. 学生可以从学术和职业咨询中心受益, 他们是否有特定的职业目标或一般的领域兴趣.

Learn more about 职业建议 at UNE


可持续商业课程融合了会计等传统商业主题, 市场营销, 经济学, 战略管理课程侧重于系统思考, 生态, natural resource management, and environmental science and policy.

在一个, students learn the basics of business and 生态 and use them in sustainability projects for various organizations. 他们整合了环境、社会和经济因素来解决现实世界的问题. 他们还发现如何评估风险和回报(包括经济), 社会, and environmental) of sustainable ventures, 比较短期收益和长期收益.

Examples of exciting courses that the 可持续发展与商业 degree at UNE in Maine offers include:

  • 可持续性 and Ecological Restoration
  • 气候变化适应:规划与政策
  • Environmental Movements and Social Change
  • 生态经济学
  • 非营利组织的管理
  • Social 创新 and Entrepreneurship

除了上课, 可持续发展和商科一年级学生, along with other environmental students, 参加以核心环境研究主题为中心的为期一年的学习社区. This interdisciplinary method helps students grasp the intricacies of environmental issues and enhances their critical thinking, 写作, 说话, 研究, 以及计算机技能.

了解更多正规澳门赌场网络UNE的B.S. in 可持续发展与商业 curriculum


Many students find a business sustainability degree valuable because of the high demand for sustainability jobs. As sustainability becomes more important, 各行各业将依靠可持续发展经理来应对复杂的挑战. 根据 Zippia, 截至2023年9月, 可持续发展专业的平均年薪约为55美元,每年980英镑, 如果你是这个领域收入最高的10%的人, 你的收入将超过108美元,000.

Choosing to major in sustainability and business at UNE in Maine showcases your dedication to devising innovative solutions that support business growth while prioritizing sustainability. 这会提高你在当今就业市场上的吸引力. 就业机会包括公司或市政可持续发展官员, 环保业务经理, Community Economic Development Manager, Environmental Affairs Officer, 绿色企业家, and 可持续性 Program Developer.


对可持续发展和商业有兴趣? 以下列表可以帮助您决定哪一个是最适合您的可持续发展和商业计划:


确定教师专业知识是否与你的具体兴趣和职业目标相一致. Also consider reviewing faculty 研究 and professional backgrounds to determine the best fit for your educational journey.

位于缅因州的正规澳门赌场网络商学院的教师经验丰富,技能娴熟,并且乐于助人. 的y provide pertinent coursework that equips students to excel and confront the evolving challenges of our dynamic world. 通过高度协作和跨学科的研究, 正规澳门赌场网络的老师会教你如何把环境和文化结合起来, 社会, 和金融概念来帮助创造一个更可持续的世界.




Take a look at an undergraduate business school’s curriculum and see if it includes rigorous courses in sustainability along with a core business curriculum.

UNE’s 业务 and 可持续性 课程 is interdisciplinary and designed to offer students numerous opportunities for collaboration and experiential learning, 并将他们的技能应用到现实世界中. Examples of courses you can take include:

  • 可持续性 and Ecological Restoration
  • 气候变化适应:规划与政策
  • Environmental Movements and Social Change
  • 生态经济学
  • 非营利组织的管理
  • Social 创新 and Entrepreneurship

First-year students majoring in 可持续发展与商业 at UNE in Maine can join the competitive 绿色学习社区 (GLC). 这个社区, 由教授和一年级学生组成, 侧重于从不同角度探索人与环境的关系. 你将通过考虑生物学来研究环境问题, 文学, 环境研究, 和经济学.

了解更多正规澳门赌场网络UNE的B.S. in 可持续发展与商业 curriculum


选择一个与你的职业抱负和目标相一致的可持续发展和商业项目, 包括实习. 探索可用的资源来帮助你规划前进的道路.

我是缅因州新UNE大学的可持续发展和商科学生, you’ll be well prepared for entry-level positions in either the private or public sector and/or coursework at the graduate level.

Our program provides hands-on learning, both in and out of the classroom, 提供真实的现实世界的经验和信心,以有所作为,包括:

  • 使用创客空间的最新技术,如3D打印机和CNC路由器.
  • 应用ing learning to actual environmental problems as part of the first-year 绿色学习社区.
  • Conducting 研究 on sustainable products, 比如水培蔬菜和养殖香菇.
  • 参加正规澳门赌场网络学生创新挑战赛,这是一项全校范围的创意竞赛.
  • Interning on campus at UNE’s Office of 可持续性 or off campus at various aquaculture farms and fisheries or other institutions.

正规澳门赌场网络的学生可以从学术和职业咨询中心的支持中受益, 他们是否有明确的职业目标或对某一特定领域的普遍兴趣.

Learn more about 职业建议 at UNE


Consider the location and environment that best supports your undergraduate journey as a sustainability and business major.

在我们独特的缅因州沿海校区发现和教育自己, encompassing 540 acres of coastline, 河岸, 林地, 湿地, 沙丘, 还有春天的池塘. 这种背景为研究可持续发展和商业提供了完美的场所.


Our dedication to the environment and innovative thinking make UNE the perfect place for your 可持续发展与商业 degree. With electric car charging stations, 可持续发展的景观, 绿色生活墙, 食用校园倡议, 以及绿色循环基金, 我们强调全校范围内对环保实践的承诺.

Learn more about sustainability at UNE

We also encourage sustainability and business students to study abroad and learn about environmental concerns and — possible solutions — in other geographic areas. 正规澳门赌场网络的全球教育项目提供在西班牙进行为期一个学期的留学选择, 法国, 冰岛, 或者我们的摩洛哥校区. 你也可以选择去爱尔兰等地的短途旅行课程, 墨西哥, 肯尼亚, 意大利, 古巴, 和更多的.



Consider whether the school you're interested in provides financial aid or scholarships to support your education.

A UNE undergraduate education is affordable. 我们的学费比新英格兰私立大学的平均学费低16%. +, all incoming full-time undergraduate students at UNE will receive Merit Scholarships in amounts from $5,000 to $22,000元/年.
