新几内亚大学的捐助者支持各种各样的倡议, 包括学术课程, 全球经验, 教师浓缩, 和研究, 校队和俱乐部的运动员, 经济援助和奖学金, and the many student clubs and organizations that enhance the quality of student life at the university.

Discover how UNE students are working to solve the challenges we face in today's world. These student stories are possible because of the philanthropic support UNE receives from our donors. Their philanthropy supports UNE students while they pursue new ideas and change the world.


这对我来说是一次不可思议的经历. I have learned so much about what I want to do and where I’m going in the future because of this opportunity. 如果SURE项目是无薪实习, I may not have been able to pursue this fantastic opportunity.


为这些项目提供资金真的很重要. I am so fortunate to be able to be part of this experience.

U N E student Clayton Sure hold a fish he caught on a boat

我认为这是一个很好的机会. My favorite part is that I’m not only working in the field but I’m also researching and analyzing in the lab. 我掌握了各种各样的技能.


资助学术研究的捐赠者非常重要. They’re not only progressing our knowledge but progressing humanity.


I’d like to say a giant ‘thank you’ to the donors who make gifts in support of research at UNE. Your generosity is helping me carry out research which has provided me with so many opportunities to expand my knowledge and make a bigger impact on our community.

大学海洋科学专业的学生Katie Dimm
[The faculty] support has shaped my experience and is why I have so many phenomenal things going on. 通过他们的集体专业知识, I have been able to carry out cutting-edge research that I know will have an impact.
正规澳门赌场网络传播系学生Jack Allsopp说

当我发现正规澳门赌场网络时, 我觉得学校的规模非常适合我...我也被正规澳门赌场网络的全球教育项目所吸引. Spending a semester in Morocco was one of the best decisions I have ever made.

The travel opportunities I have had at UNE have helped me discover my interest in public health.
This research opportunity has made my UNE experience absolutely incredible! I learned about research in ways that a classroom could never teach me, and I am so thankful to the donors that have made this one of the most rewarding experiences of my life.

Carrying out research at UNE has been one of the most rewarding things I have done in my life. 我真的觉得我在我的领域有所作为.

不了解我的项目和我自己, someone’s gift to UNE allowed me to move to southern Maine for the summer and have a full-time professional job over the summer.
I would have never been able to do this program if it were not for the generous assistance of the Henry L. 和格蕾丝·多尔蒂基金会.
The Doherty Foundation was willing to take a risk and invest in a very unique program. I'm really grateful that they were willing to support what many of my colleagues and I feel it is an approach with enormous potential.
没有多尔蒂基金会和这个奖学金, 我就负担不起这个机会了. With the PSM program and the experience I’ll gain from it, I'll be able to really shape my future.
Hillevi Jaegerman
I’m really thankful for the foundation’s interest in ocean food systems and how the foundation acknowledges the importance of professional preparation in this field.
夏琳B. Rydell Endowed Scholarship really helped give me some peace of mind. It made a huge impact on my ability to focus on my studies.
我认为很多学生, 尤其是在缅因州, don’t have the opportunity to attend college because of small financial hurdles. What I have discovered is that a scholarship can really make a difference for students like myself.

Knowing that those who had graduated 50 years ago still feel connected to the university and care about helping current students is incredible.

Pharmacy isn’t just about dispensing medications; it’s about establishing a connection with a patient and using that connection to establish trust. 这是我非常喜欢的药学的一个方面.
ariella danziger
I think if people were able to see all the things that students are involved with at UNE, they would have their minds blown because we explore so many different ranges of possibilities and interests. 正规澳门赌场网络总有令人惊奇的事情发生.
The Doctors for Maine’s Future Scholarship has made it possible for me to work in Maine. Now I can take care of women in Maine throughout their lives and give back to the community where I trained.
I appreciate the Hearst Foundation for providing me with this wonderful opportunity which allows me to further my educational goals. 我真的不知道怎么感谢他们.
没有缅因州未来医生奖学金, I can say I would have felt obligated to choose a different, 州外机构...我现在可以在缅因州上医学院了.
The very real problems of natural and invasive predation need to be solved in order to save this valuable commercial industry in the state. UNE is committed to research programs that are community-based and address real-life issues.
The scholarship that I received made the difference for me getting to UNE...I want to thank the Hearst foundation for my scholarship every year.