
首页coming is a breath of fresh air for many — a wonderful time to learn more about each other and build community. Many of us students are so focused on our studies that we often forgo weekend activities, but 首页coming gives us a chance to explore new activities and meet new people. The best part is that no matter who you are or where you are from, there is always a group of individuals here to welcome you.


今年, I attended the Summer Undergraduate 研究 Experience symposium, 的后挡板, and the football game. I was excited to learn more about the research my peers conducted over the summer. The symposium is an amazing opportunity to share these projects with the broader community. Especially with the new “Doing Our Part” campaign, research plays a key role in the UNE student experience.

President Herbert announced the campaign during the 首页coming football game. UNE’s unique character already attracts intelligent students who want to give back to our surrounding communities, and I firmly believe that “Doing Our Part” will provide students with experience-rich academic and research programs unlike any other.

A family poses 在一起 at a U N E football tailgate
A student points to his research poster and discusses his findings with another student

As a senior, my 首页coming experience was bittersweet. I had an amazing time with my friends and their families, but it has now hit me that this will be our last year here, 在回家, 在一起. While my family wasn’t able to visit, I was still in good company. At UNE, your roommates and peers actually become family.

The vibrant atmosphere created by students, 家庭成员, 社区成员, and alumni makes 首页coming one of my favorite events. I am so appreciative of all the volunteers and staff who make 首页coming weekend possible. We will remain part of the UNE community, and I am excited to return as an alum!

— Emily Walsh (Medical Biology, ’24)

Bonus Content: View Highlights from the Weekend